On June 29th, 2020, the Research Unit held its preliminary meeting to kickstart activities with the Country Referees.
The meeting was attended by participants from Cambodia, Japan, Mongolia,Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam.
- What is the situation about arbitration in your jurisdiction? (e.g. is very popular; practitioners do not know about it; etc.)?
- What are the main criticalities (e.g. interim measures; impossibility for foreign lawyers to represent parties in arbitration with the seat in the country; many disputes are not considered arbitrable; etc.)?
- How could our Research Unit be of help to your country (e.g. organize seminars or training programs together for judges/lawyers/civil servants; work on joint publications; etc.)?
The Research Unit identified criticalities and challenges to establish a fruitful cooperation with stakeholders in target countries.
It set the basis for joint publications with local experts and on-site training courses to be organized as soon as conditions will allow.